It’s PeeWee’s Birthday on 28th August and we’d love everyone to celebrate this August and have some fundraising fun.

Why not hold a PeeWee Picnic? Gather your friends and family or meet with other PWS families and have a fun time. We suggest a minimum donation from each family who attends your Picnic of £5 and then any additional fundraising you can do at the picnic would be amazing.

To make the occasion more special we can send you a special Picnic Pack with party invites, a scratch-card to play with your friends, a giraffe toss game, balloons, colouring pages and much more. All we ask is that you cover the postage for just £3.50 and return the pack after your picnic. You can also order adult or child prize packs from us for an extra £5 each (which of course you can keep and distribute), or a PeeWee plush for £10. Both of which are P&P free when ordered with the party park (or £3.50 p&p if ordered separately.)

Or could you walk 15 for PeeWee? It can be 15 miles, 15km, or 15 laps of our local park, or whatever distance you or your fellow walkers would like or can manage. You could do it all in one go or split it over a few days. If you can gather sponsorship for your Special Birthday One Small Step we can send you a One Small Step T-shirt once you’ve reached £30, and all participants get an exclusive One Small Step medal. Maybe you could combine your walk with a PeeWee Picnic at the end and have double the fundraising fun.

You also have a chance to win your own unique PeeWee toy. This lovely Amigurumi PeeWee has been hand crocheted and you can win him by entering our PeeWee Birthday Raffle for just £1 a go. Donate through and you’ll be entered into the draw to be drawn on PeeWee’s birthday on 28th August 2023. Each £1 donated earns you one entry into the draw.
We thank you all for your support and would love to see any photos you take of your PeeWee adventures this summer.