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UK Funded Research

Since its inception FPWR UK has funded several studies into advancing critical research into Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS). These studies have contributed much to the body of knowledge on PWS and furthering our aim of eliminating the main challenges of PWS and eventually finding a cure.

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£25,000 Non-coding RNAs in neuronal differentiation and PWS

£25,000 Obsessive-compulsive and psychotic-like behaviors across PWS subtypes: Developmental considerations.

FPWR Announces 1st Round of 2024 Grants

£15,000 Study into SYS and Magel 2


£10,000 Genetic Determinants of Behavioral, Physical, and Physiological Characteristics of PWS (

£20,000 Mapping the hypothalamic functional architecture underlying appetite control in the PWS brain (

2023 – £26,000 VNS4PWS –Exciting New Treatment May Reduce Disruptive Behaviors in PWS (


£60,000 Genetic Determinants of Behavioral, Physical, and Physiological Characteristics of PWS (


£20,000 How is the Epitranscriptomic Signature of Active AGRP Neurons Disrupted in PWS? (


£40,000 Long Non-Coding RNAs Transcribed From Prader-Willi syndrome Locus: Key Regulators of Gene Expression


£77,200 Influences of Social Cognition and Reward on ASD Symptoms and Behaviour in PWS


£84,000 Improving social functioning in Prader-Willi Syndrome (year 2)


£10,000 Wake promoting effects of oxytocin

£73,000 Recapitulating obesity and hyperphagia in novel adult-onset mouse models of Snord116 deletion


£40,000 Oxytocin and the autonomic nervous system in Prader Willi Syndrome

£47,000 Training task switching to decrease temper outbursts in people with PWS


£10,000 Targeting the peripheral endocanniabinoid system for the treatment of obesity in a mouse model of PWS