This week our sister organisation FPWR in the USA are running their fantastic conference. There is so much to be optimistic about with new treatments and knowledge offering the very real hope of a brighter future. None of this is possible without fundraising. Nicola, guide son, to Albie explains why fundraising is so important.
Hi, my name is Nicola and my (almost!) 5 year old guide son Albie, has PWS. Until Albie was born, I wasn’t familiar with this rare condition and all that it entails. Since understanding more about it and talking at length with his Mum, my friend Louise, I realise that the most effective way of tackling the condition is to fundraise to enable ground breaking research to take place. This provides vital information and hope for individuals and their families who are managing PWS. That’s exactly what FPWR do. To that end, I have held a number of events to raise money for FPWR as their awareness raising and research help Albie and others like him to live as fulfilling a life as possible. Please consider donating to this worthwhile charity to make outcomes brighter for those affected by it.