This year, FPWR UK and PWSA UK (Prader Willi Syndrome Association) decided upon a one of a kind challenge for PWS Awareness Month! We have created The PWS Stronger Together campaign and have taken Go Orange to a whole new scale!
This year introduced the first Move it May challenge! We managed to get 40 landmarks around the UK to Glow Orange on PWS Awareness Day, the incredible PWS community recorded 59,000 minutes of movement throughout the month of May which is the equivalent to walking to each landmark, had press coverage from multiple new papers and all the while raising £14,103.77 for research in Ageing with PWS!
A collaboration between FPWR UK and PWSA has not happened before and both charities were a little apprehensive on how it would be received but both parties are absolutely thrilled with the success and the amount of awareness that was raised to Prader Willi Syndrome.
If you would like to learn more about the PWS Stronger Together campaign please head over to pwsstrongertogether.co.uk as well to find out future collaborations between FPWR UK and PWSA and to find out how you can get involved.
Please view just some of the photos we received of people getting involved in Move it May as well as Glow Orange!