Where do I begin 20 years of absolute joy and pride? This floppy little scrap of a boy entered the world weighing 3lbs 9oz’s. Wow what a scary time it was I could see nothing positive at this time and as the days went on, I became more depressed and scared. Then I got the diagnosis of PWS. I then thought my world had ended!! What I didn’t know then it had just begun. I have so many positive stories and wonderful times I could write about. But will fast forward to today.
Callum is in his fourth year at college, he started after leaving school at 16. He absolutely loves it and is valued member of a great team of guys. Yes, his path is different to my two older children, but is just as fulfilling and exciting as theirs is. He leads a very fulfilled life. Drama classes is in a disability football team competes in tournaments. Supports our local team, Ipswich Town and even helps the kit man wash the ITFC kit. Which he absolutely loves as his biggest passion is washing. There is nothing he doesn’t know about washing machines and their workings.

Star Baker
Callum is a competent baker and despite the complication of hyperphagia, an insatiable appetite, which many people with PWS have to contend with, Callum went on to win his colleges cake baking competition and be a Star Baker. Here he is after being told he came first and being presented with his prize. It was judged and tasted by 4 independent judges. Great work Callum!
And the winner is ! He won ! The winning creation