If you would like to raise awareness of PWS and FPWR UK then our Pee Wee plush is the perfect addition to any event or days out!
Pose him on your daytrips and holidays, or take him to medical appointments and birthday parties. Show him the world and take pictures of his adventures. People tend to get a bit more curious when they see a branded teddy and it’s a great way to start conversations about PWS and our work as a charity.
He’s also super soft and cute, and very snuggly 🙂 the perfect size to tuck under a little arm, into a pram, or in your car.
We invite you to take lots of photos of your Pee Wee having a grand old time out and about, and use #theadventuresofpeewee when you post on social media. Don’t forget to tag us #fpwruk on any posts you make as well!