Join us for MOVE IT MAY. This is a challenge for all ages and abilities. From the child with PWS to the athletes of this world. The challenge is to cover a distance of 30, 60, 90 or 120 miles throughout the month. This can be walking, running, skipping, cycling, climbing stairs, swimming, garden laps, scootering, dancing, pushing a wheelchair or pram – anything at all to get MOVING. Sign up for a just giving page and share, share, share. You can set this as an individual challenge from as little as 1 mile a day or up to 4 miles a day (you can set your own distance if you like) or why not do it as a family with a joint target, anything goes!
Host a virtual coffee morning/wine evening with friends and family. Use it to tell them the reality of having a PWS child and the highs and lows. Tell them to ask questions, as most people only know about the hunger issues and not the other associated problems that may occur.
Send us an email contact for your child’s school or nursery. We will message them with a short video and information to share at school and hopefully support us. That’s all you need to do, we’ll do the rest!

One Small Step Walk

Super Market Collections

Rosie singing

Save the Date 28th May 21
Go Orange on Friday 28th May 2021 and raise awareness of Prader Willi Syndrome. Wear something orange and share your stories.
Go Orange is on the last Friday of May, and is one day when people across the globe wear something orange in support of Prader-Willi Syndrome. This can be as an individual, with in a school setting, workplace, gym, club or anywhere. Make sure you have something orange to wear, whether it be one of our fantastic t-shirts, or an orange pair of socks – anything will do.
Send us an email contact for your child’s school or nursery. We will message them with a short video and information to share at school and hopefully support us. That’s all you need to do, we’ll do the rest!
You can support this by buying one of our GO ORANGE T shirts – they are very eye-catching and people will ask!